White label content auditing services for digital agencies and their clients

Your website content has some serious shoes to fill. 

Not only does it need to position you as an expert, connect with your target audience, and convey your unique brand personality – it also has to help you expand your reach and rise above your competitors in a densely-saturated market.

Phew! That’s a lot, isn’t it? 

And when it comes to content, sometimes it can be hard to tell what’s working well, and what could use some improvement to get the best results. 

At times like these, a content audit from an industry pro is in order! 

An audit that won’t send shivers down your spine

Sometimes just the word ‘audit’ is enough to give us the heeby-jeebies! But never fear – we’re looking at content assets only here. 

Our audits take comprehensive stock of all the content you already have at your disposal, analysing it for both a clear birds-eye view of your assets and an in-depth understanding of its current performance. 

With insights like these – plus expert advice from our qualified auditors – you and your clients can refine, repurpose, update, and optimise your content to get the best possible results from your marketing efforts.

Don’t have the time or energy to sift through your content assets on your own? You’ve already done the hard work of creating a wealth of online content. Let us help you make the most of it, and give you a roadmap for future content creation.

Is your content performing to its full potential?

Your content should do a lot of the heavy lifting for you and your clients: 

  • Ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs) for better online visibility 
  • Strengthening your online presence and audience perception of your brand
  • Attracting and engaging your ideal target audience
  • Delivering value to your website visitors, providing a smooth user experience and addressing their pain points and needs
  • Driving the results you want from your content marketing efforts – whether that’s more sales, sign-ups, or consultation calls

Not sure your content is firing on all these cylinders? Let us take a look under the hood for ya! With a complete content audit, we’ll find out what’s working well, and what’s not quite up to snuff – for humans and search engines alike!

Our content auditing process

We’re dedicated to understanding your content goals and maximising your online impact through carefully-curated content that captures your brand’s unique essence. That’s why we’ve created a streamlined process to make it easier for everyone.

  1. Kick off call: Our content strategists will get on a call with you (or your client) to dig into your business goals, what you’re hoping to achieve with your content, and any content-related issues you’re currently facing
  2. Content auditing: Once we’ve got access to the website’s Google Analytics, we can really get stuck in. We’ll carry out a comprehensive content audit of your website’s performance and see how it measures up against competitors and other industry leaders in your niche
  3. Content report: We’ll package this vital information in a clear, digestible way and offer our expert recommendations to improve your content’s performance. Due to the level of detail required, content audits usually take a week to complete
  4. Wrap-up call: Once you or your client have had a chance to go through the report, we’ll jump on another call to run through the results together, answer any questions, and make sure everyone feels comfortable and confident in the next steps

Why choose The Content Lab to audit your website content?

We believe that to be able to properly analyse content, you must fully understand it.

And who knows content better than a team of seasoned content-writing word nerds?

After over a decade in the business, creating quality content has become second nature to us – and we harness these skills in our approach to content auditing and analysis. We know how to optimise content across the board to ensure it performs better on search engines and speaks directly to any target audience.

Whether you’re hoping to fine-tune your branding and make your online content feel more cohesive, or you want to make some serious leaps up the ranks on Google – we know just the right steps to take to help you get there.

And at the end of the day, if you need a new content strategy and fresh content ready to roll out – we can do that, too. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s go!

Helping our clients climb to the top with expert content audits