Duplicated Content Will Kill Your Website

Abby Wood

Ok, you’ve probably heard this a thousand times, duplicated content is bad for SEO. It’s a known fact, right? So why are so many agencies still insisting on using duplicated copy? Or poorly ‘spun’ content. 

2006’s calling, it wants it’s crappy copy methods back.

There are a few reasons to not use someone else’s hard-crafted copy, but the one we’re focusing on today is:

It doesn’t do your digital agency, or your work, any justice.

That’s right.

  • You do amazing work.
  • Your websites are beautiful.
  • Your logos are inspiring.
  • Videos? Stunning.

So why copy and paste someone else’s words?

Your copy is there to entice, entrance, educate and entertain potential customers into choosing you over your competitors. Make them fall in love with your brand.

And what happens when we fall in love? We can’t get enough.

You get those casual website visitors to fall in love with what your company says, they’ll become loyal brand ambassadors.

And loyal brand ambassadors will do anything for your company – they’ll even recommend you to their friends.

Word of mouth is priceless.

You’ll become known as the go-to agency for your niche. Sales will get easier. Sales cycles will get shorter. There’ll be less questions, less objections. Projects will get easier. You can charge more for your services. People will be happy to pay for your expertise.

And how did you get all of that?

You had original website copy written for your company that sets you aside from everyone else.

You didn’t take someone else’s blog post and change a few words in it. You didn’t copy someone’s landing page and switch out the lead magnet and logo.

You did your company justice. Your honoured all that hard work you’ve put in.

You’ve represented your company online, with content that’s uniquely yours.

And that’s priceless.

But yeah, let’s focus on how bad replicated content is for SEO. 

Get the content written your company deserves. 


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